So funny but just the day before you published this, my Substack was about the exact same thing. Mine perhaps came across a little more angry though, but I was glad to hear from the feedback that it made people re-think their boundaries and worth. Well done, lovely piece! It's funny, I was the opposite. Everyone told me that I should become a writer, but I avoided it for so long because my mother is a novelist and I saw just how hard that career can be (as you say, it is hardly the high-earner people imagine it is. I also remember so many people telling her that they loved her book so much they lent it to all of their friends. Yes, very kind, but then the writer doesn't get paid). Here's my rant on the subject if you'd like to read: https://tamzin.substack.com/p/ensuring-the-survival-of-a-very-strange

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Hey Tamzin, I think that shift to thinking your work is worth something is so difficult. I always worry I'm going to get heckled with rotten tomatoes by people telling me that actually what I'm producing is rubbish and not worth anything... But then I realised if those people exist they're allowed to have that opinion and they can simply choose not to pay anything. Very simple?? If anything by paywalling some stuff I'm doing them a favour by no longer exposing these (entirely fictitious) people to the work they find so ghastly. And thinking about it like that made me feel better! Also yes, my own Grandma keeps lending my book to her friends which is sweet but also...

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Couldn't agree more. I save up all the newsletters I am subscribed to and wait for a relaxed moment with a coffee to enjoy them. They feel so much more relevant to me than any magazine and I don't finish feeling worse about myself or with a head full of adverts. I have usually learnt something, connected with something/someone or been inspired.

The app Pocket is great for saving links to articles, recipes etc., you want to read later.

The new book already sounds amazing! Do we have a rough estimate for when we can expect it..... :)

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Hey Mel, yes I do exactly the same re: saving up new articles to read and totally agree on them being more relevant. I love how you can curate a selection of things that's exactly what you want to read about. Pocket sounds awesome, I'll definitely check it out.

Hopefully/maybe the autumn?? (Thanks for the prompt to get writing ha!)

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