September in books
Everything I read last month - getting back on the reading wagon
A few months ago, I sent out a newsletter rounding up everything I’d read so far this year. Then I almost immediately fell off the reading wagon and clocked up a pitiful number of pages over the summer.
Why is that? When I’m reading a lot it’s all I want to do - insatiable, can’t get enough, find it extremely inconvenient that I’m expected to do anything else, god forbid anybody try and engage in conversation mid-paragraph. Yet reading is a lot like, say, doing my physio exercises and eating more vegetables than chocolate buttons and not starting the day by doom scrolling through social media. That is, it’s a simple thing that tangibly improves my life but that I find it very easy to slip out of the habit of.
Luckily, September brought with it a fair few hours on public transport, some evenings alone in hotel rooms and a solid amount of sunbathing. And in all of those circumstances, what are you going to do but get a book out?
So here’s September, in books1:
First up was the Clock Dance b…