Whatever you write I enjoy reading Elise and I always look forward to seeing your posts land in my inbox - however frequently or infrequently that is. I think we can place loads of pressure on ourselves to be what we think others need (talking to myself here too!!) when what we most need is for you to be you - whatever that looks like. I loved reading Coasting because you were honest, funny and showed the reality of adventures (and as someone who's never done one, I had epic levels of respect!). Self employment is like being on a trampoline I think, one minute you're loving it, you've had a fantastic experience or something has gone brilliantly, the next you've convinced yourself no-one will ever want anything you do ever again and you're eating jammy dodgers for inspiration and feeling overwhelmed - me last week :-).

Long ramble, but keep doing what you're doing, it's great.

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Hey Kirsten, thanks so much for this comment, really appreciate it. And I couldn’t agree more with the jammy dodger theory - that was me yesterday with Jaffa Cakes haha.

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