Writing a book is a weird experience.
First, you have an idea. You mull it over for a while, spend a lot of time thinking, I’ll start working on that book tomorrow. I expect that, for most of us, this is the phase that lasts the longest. Forever, even. Countless ideas destined to stay just that: an idea.
When (if) you eventually get started, you likely plough a substantial amount of time and effort into the idea before knowing for certain that it will ever become something or that anybody will ever read it. You play around, you do some writing, maybe you put together a proposal for an agent or a publisher.
If you’re lucky, at this point your idea might start to become a real life something. Maybe a publisher says yes and a contract is signed and you get to given a date by which to complete your manuscript.
Then you spend weeks or months or years hunched over your computer, probably wearing one favourite fleece you rarely wash, typing and typing and typing. Maybe you did more of this durin…