Good things #5
Sunny evenings, early bedtimes, ongoing cow fears and the weekly round-up of good things (inc. a life free of sports bra chafing)
Every time I sit down to write one of these, I want to start by telling you what the weather’s like. Obviously British people being obsessed with the weather is an old trope but it’s undeniably true in my case. It’s just such an easy opener, isn’t it - whether for a real life conversation or a newsletter.
Perhaps it makes sense when pretty much everything you like doing takes place outside. Often I’m not even just making small talk, I genuinely am interested in what the weather is doing. I check a combination of weather apps multiple times each day in order to plan my life and there are few things that make me more excited than a cloud free summits forecast on MWIS. The weather feels so much like an extension of myself, and definitely an indicator of my mood, that when people ask “how are you?”, I’ll often answer “oh yes, well, it’s sunny” which both does and doesn’t answer the question I suppose.