Good things #1
A roundup of good things I've been reading, doing, eating and listening to
I’ve been wanting to start a series where I send out a roundup of things I’ve been enjoying recently on a semi-regular basis. Books, podcasts, recipes, places… anything really. I love reading these types of posts from other people. Some of my favourites are Nicole Antoinette’s What’s Working series, Emma Gannon’s Sunday Scrolls and Roxane Gay’s Audacious Round Up. With all the will in the world none of us can try everything so it’s nice when someone else does some of the work and tells you what’s worth spending your time on.
The only problem was that I couldn’t come up with a name for it. Here’s a secret: I am rubbish at titles. My friend Oscar came up with Coasting for my book, which I lazily repurposed for this newsletter, and I dread to think what we’d have ended up with otherwise. Give me 2000 words over two any day. I’ve been trying for a week now to come up with something funny or punny or rhyming but so far, no luck.
Not having a good title seemed like a terrible reason to not st…