16 hours of running around the Dolomites
Catching up after a month off and finishing the Lavaredo Ultra Trail 80km
Thanks for bearing with me while I took a break from writing here over the past few weeks. I’ll be honest, I was mainly just feeling very much Not On Top Form and like I didn’t really have any words in my brain worth reading, and definitely not any good enough for me to feel okay with somebody paying to read them. I feel so grateful that some of you choose to be paid subscribers to this newsletter but it does come with a certain sense of responsibility to not send out absolute rubbish (not that I always manage that).
I’ve written before about struggling to know how to navigate bad days online. I feel okay being pretty open about most things eventually but generally prefer to do so from the perspective of it all being over, when you can tie the whole experience up with a nice shiny bow and talk about whatever lesson you learned. But sometimes things just feel a bit sh*t and there is no wise takeaway yet (and perhaps never will be) and, during those times, showing up publicly just feels …